
You can’t knock someone’s ambition, but if you spend big it’s best to keep the spotlight on the players

(Photo: David Purday)
By Alex Narey
What to write about in my leader for this week? I spun the roulette wheel and turned to social media for some inspiration. Browsing Twitter, the idea came into my head as early as last Sunday. As the days went by, I figured there’d be another angle and another story to talk about. There was Dave Tarpey’s four-goal blitz against AFC ; Ebbsfleet maintaining their incredible undefeated run in a 3-3 thriller with Dagenham; and shipping six in a trouncing at .
But no, the story that has been grabbing my attention all week has been the goings on at Billericay. The soap opera, if we can call it that, under the colourful dictatorship of owner/chairman/manager/drum beater Glenn Tamplin. If you hadn’t been woken by the noise before, the volume was cranked up several notches after the season started in earnest last weekend, especially after Ricay were beaten on home soil by .
Until now, I have maintained a silence concerning events at New Lodge. The big-money signings of ex stars, the ridiculous and extravagant wage bill that has been reported and never denied, and the endless stories splashed across the Red Tops about Tamplin’s lavish choice of living.
But before I go any further, some cards should be laid on the table here: I am not a Billericay hater. Far from it, in fact, the club and more to the point Tamplin himself, absolutely fascinate me. I am not a traditionalist who has his head stuck in the mud. There is nothing wrong with having a vision, which Tamplin unquestionably has, and if the owner of a football club wishes to spend his own money, that’s his prerogative. It’s not the route I would choose, but still. Tamplin also does a lot of good with his money on various charities, it should be noted.
As for those who label the club a ‘plaything’ and question whether it is a sustainable business model, we should consider that Tamplin ‘may’ just be as good as his word. He says he is in it for the long run. If you don’t believe him, read his Twitter bio… (tongue firmly in cheek here, he says he has recently suspended his account due to all the abuse).
But you could see a potential storm brewing last year when Tamplin first took over. Stories of his failed takeover at Dagenham painted their own picture and his presence as he muscled his way into every press shot suggested he was not a man to sit on the sidelines and allow others to do their jobs. When manager Craig Edwards departed after seven years, it was  obvious Tamplin would not recruit, choosing to fill the vacant hot seat himself so that he was the only one giving out the orders.
And this for me is the bigger problem. The painted murals in and around the ground, the pre-match singing and war cries – all posted on social media by Tamplin himself for the world to see. It’s taking the gloss off what the players and the football club are really about. I’m sure Tamplin isn’t in it to win friends, but you are giving the opposition their team talk while you are dishing out your own. Sit back, enjoy what you have and let the professionals do what you are paying them handsomely for.

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