Is the game of blackjack considered a sport?

While the origins of blackjack will be debated forever, there is no doubting just how popular it is in the modern world still. Blackjack is a casino banking game that is prominent inside a land-based casino, while also being played online these days using modern-day tools like a sophisticated smartphone device. Although the game is purely a solitary activity, there are instances where it could be considered a sport given the success many teams have had in the past.

Normally, players are only focused on their play and what exactly they have in their hands, but the house can have an advantage if other players around the table are ignored. Unlike making the most of blackjack payout 6 to 5 and other online gaming opportunities, there have been examples in land-based resorts where a blackjack table works together to influence the outcome of every deal and essentially reign supreme in the end.

Tommy Hyland mastered team play

Although Tommy Hyland is an excellent blackjack player in his own right, he also managed to establish a team of players that went on to become one of the most successful in the history of the game. Taking on the role of blackjack team manager, Hyland became obsessed with other players and their playing styles. As a result of this, he assembled the very best players and they managed to bring down the house on numerous occasions. While card-counting skills were utilised, Hyland was like the coach of a team in the way he organised, motivated, and trusted his troops. Like Tommy Hyland, Ken Uston mastered a similar technique and went on to earn millions through a network of talented players that worked with him for several years. While working in a blackjack team is forbidden, there is no doubting that it enabled players to beat the house and ensure more consistent success in blackjack games.

Could blackjack learn a thing or two from poker?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past decade or so, you’ll be fully aware that poker has now well and truly entered the mainstream. Featured in video games like Red Dead Redemption and shown on television, poker’s reputation has changed somewhat. Even Hollywood celebrities and world-famous sports stars play the game, with Paris Saint-Germain’s Neymar taking his skills from the beautiful game into a number of hotly-contested poker match-ups. Other famous faces, such as Ben Affleck, also take poker extremely seriously, entering tournaments and coming out on top. For example, in 2004, Affleck beat fellow actor Tobey Maguire and nearly 90 other poker players over a weekend to win first place and $356,400 at a major California poker tournament. As a result of breakthrough events like this, poker’s image has significantly changed.

Leagues and tournaments need to be established

In order for blackjack to grow and perceptions to change, it needs the same type of makeover as poker received. Leagues and tournaments need to be established, famous players need to emerge, and television deals need to be signed. Once this happens, its overall package will entice more fans in the same way sporting products do.

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