
This is where you will find all of the Non-League Football Paper’s Columnists news, opinion and content.


DIARY OF A GROUND HOPPER: Ilkley Town 4-3 Ashton Town

I know many football folk who like to pile up at a game as late as possible. My view is that if I am travelling a fair distance – and let’s face it, the majority of grounds I ‘need’ are now 150 miles or more away! – it makes sense to have a look round the town or some nice countryside nearby. Each to his/her own.


MARK HARRIS: Volunteers are priceless

Amidst all the mis-guided optimism around the Crouch Review, the biggest challenge facing Non-League football barely warranted a mention. Namely the reliance of NLS clubs on volunteers to perform every task bar playing and management, up to and including the boardroom.


STEVE SHORE: We must all work with refs!

I NEED to stop getting frustrated with refs and support them. I appreciate the job is thankless; having to make decisions with no help and manage an area a of 6,000sq metres is not easy and I am sure many feel like quitting after difficult games.