DONE DEAL: Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney acquire Wrexham AFC

Hollywood stars Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney have successfully taken over at side AFC.

Wrexham Supporters Trust members have voted in favour of the RR McReynolds Company, LLC to take 100 per cent control of the club from the WST.

There was a significant turnout for the extraordinary ballot at 91.5 per cent where members voted on three resolutions.

Reynolds stars in box office Marvel movies Deadpool and Deadpool 2, while McElhenney is the creator of comedy series It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

The pair held a Zoom meeting with members of the Wrexham Supporters Trust ahead of the voting procedure, which begun last Monday, where they outlined their vision for the club and answered questions. A Netflix documentary is also planned.

Both parties will now proceed with finalising the details of the takeover which is subject to final agreement, league and FA confirmation. If agreed they’ll be joining a list of celebrity football club owners

The club said: “The Wrexham Supporters Trust Board would like to thank Mr Rob McElhenney and Mr Ryan Reynolds, and their advisors Inner Circle Sports and Walker Morris, for their professional and considered approach and for the time they have already put into the process.

“As Wrexham supporters, we would like to wish them the very best of luck in charge of our Club and look forward to what the future brings.

“We would also like to thank our advisors, Sheridans, Mackenzie Jones, BDO and Rob Parry, for their assistance throughout the process.

“Finally, to WST members, we would like to thank you for all your support since we took control of the Football Club in 2011. We will update supporters in due course as to the future plans for the Wrexham.”

WST Extraordinary Ballot: Result of resolutions

Resolution 1

THAT the Rules be amended by adding a new Rule 4.7 as follows: “promoting and supporting the long term future of the Club which shall include a transaction to sell the entire issued share capital of the Club to new owners resulting in the Society ceasing to own or operate the Club provided that the members have approved the sale by extraordinary resolution (a “Members Approved Sale”), and in the event of a Members Approved Sale, the object at this Rule 4.7 shall take precedence and prevail over the objects at Rules 4.1 to 4.6 so that a Members Approved Sale shall be permitted by the Society’s objects and be in accordance with the Rules notwithstanding any inconsistency or conflict with the objects at Rules 4.1 to 4.6”;

For: 1809

Against: 26

Abstain: 9

98.6% voted in favour, Resolution passed

Resolution 2

THAT the Proposed Transaction is hereby irrevocably and unconditionally approved, and that this approval of the Proposed Transaction shall constitute a Members Approved Sale pursuant to Rule 4.7 (subject to the passing of Resolution 1 in the Postal Ballot and the amended Rules taking effect upon being registered);

For: 1801

Against: 29

Abstain: 11

98.4% voted in favour, Resolution passed

Resolution 3

THAT the board of directors of the Society is hereby authorised to conclude the Proposed Transaction on the basis that it is a Members Approved Sale (subject to the passing of Resolution 2 in the Postal Ballot) and does not require any further approval or consent of the Members, and that the Society Board are hereby authorised to enter into the sale documentation as required (at the discretion of the board of directors and including but not limited to a share purchase agreement to sell the shares of the Club to the buyer) on behalf of the Society and to carry out all such acts as necessary in connection with implementing the Proposed Transaction.

For: 1801

Against: 29

Abstain: 11

98.4% voted in favour, Resolution passed

Please note – there were five spoilt ballot papers.

More in Sunday’s Paper

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